I have developed my WORKING PROFILE in the continuing INTERFACE between
PUBLIC SYSTEMS: National (in Vienna/Austria) and International (in New York, Geneva, Kosovo) within the Austrian Foreign Ministry, within International Organisations (UN, OSCE), within Municipality Institutions (in Austria, in Kosovo)
PRIVATE COMPANIES: in Austria and in the Balkans
ACADEMIA (Universities in Austria & South-Eastern Europe)
With my educational background: ● Law studies (Mag. iuris – Vienna/ Austria) & ● International Health Management studies (MA – Krems/Austria) → my MAIN FIELDS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE are:
- HEALTH SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT (with the Private and Public System),
- LAW (Human Rights),
- HEALTH MANAGEMENT & WORKPLACE HEALTH PROMOTION(Consulting, Project Management, Training) mainly in companies & also in cooperation with NGOs
- EVIDENCE BASED ASSESSMENTS (Feasibility studies, General Assessments)
In the last 7 years my professional focus was on health system strategy & development, workplace health promotion and health management. The consultancies with private companies emerging as an additional important professional pillar.
The work settings within the 2 main areas ● PUBLIC SYSTEM and ● PRIVATE COMPANIES define the solid basis of my “know-how” and have complemented each other optimally.
Working initially over 5 years for the Austrian Foreign Ministry in Vienna as Human Rights Adviser – repeatedly sent to the UN Commission on Human Rights, in Geneva & to the General Assembly in New York and then deployed as OSCE Human Rights Expert to Kosovo for 2 years, cooperating during all of these years with different municipalities in Austria and Kosovo: it was my first professional claim to successfully “serve society within or together with public institutions”.
This working experience has provided me not only with a vast knowledge on human rights issues but also equipped me with an in-depth understanding for the ○ public system itself ○ and especially for the inevitable NEED of structurally anchoring health processes within the public system in order to allow long-term and sustainable successes for all citizens.
Further I complemented these insights on the PUBLIC SYSTEM with additional perspectives of the ACADEMIA as “Project Manager” at WUS/ World University Service: located at the University of Graz dealing with 15 South-Eastern European partner universities and from inside a NGO: as “Advocacy Adviser” dealing with Persons with Disabilities & related Health matters at “Light for the World” in Vienna; partly also engaged in a project in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam.
After working then in and with the public system for more than 10 years in total my work portfolio expanded further into the advisory role for companies: in the context of health management & workplace health promotion consultancy. Working now also for almost 5 years with companies has trained me well in achieving tangible results directly and fast! Bench-marked processes, measurable results, management-oriented work approaches and “SMART goals-settings” define the context of all processes in this professional field.
Find below a more detailed list of my Working Experiences ↔ Service Offers:
- Health System Development Consultancy for Institutions & Ministries, National and International Organisations, Private Companies
- Design of “Management Concepts” and “Workplace Health Promotion Concepts” for Private Companies, Institutions, Organisations
- Evidence Based Assessments (Feasibility studies, General Assessments)
- Leading and Advising on “Project Management Processes” for National & International Institutions, Private Companies, NGOs
- Training and Accompanying of “Organisational Development Processes” in Private Companies, Organisations, Institutions
- Networking Support between National and International Experts, Stakeholders, Institutions, Organisations
- Human Rights Consultancy: within International Organisations & National Institutions, as well as in NGOs